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Jude Pereles (MRSS Dip HSEC) Shiatsu and Acupressure

My interest in healing and healthy living began in my early 20’s when I trained in co-counselling and massage, and became a co-founder of an organic market garden just outside York. Then in 1980 I was very fortunate to be introduced to a very inspirational teacher called John Garrie. He taught a unique blend of body work, mindfulness meditation and Buddhist philosophy which has had a major influence on my life. Through his workshops, which I attended regularly for around 15 years, I was also introduced to Shiatsu, Tai Chi, Qigong, and Aikido, all of which have been essential parts of my journey.

Although the market garden was thriving (and still is), I decided to move to Oxford to study with John Garrie in more depth. It was during this time that I began to explore Shiatsu with one of his senior students – Sonia Moriceau. Soon afterwards she founded the Healing-Shiatsu Education Centre which offered one of the first 3 year diploma courses in this country. I graduated in 1987.

Through all these influences I have gained many skills and insight into ways of looking after ourselves which I love to share with people. The way I do that is through classes – I teach Qigong for Health and Relaxation, and Gentle exercise for Lancaster Adult Learning both at college and for special needs groups in the community. Also, I work one to one with people using Shiatsu. The kinds of people I enjoy working with are often people who are interested in exploring the connection between their physical health and their mental, emotional and spiritual states. This is the essence of a holistic approach especially when we also take into account our connection with the social and natural environment, including our diet.

As a senior member of the Shiatsu Society’s Practitioner and Teacher register I have also taught hundreds of students on diploma and beginners courses over the years. I like to continue to develop my skills and maintain my own health by studying new developments in Shiatsu, and by attending regular Yoga and Tai Chi classes. I have also continued the habit of growing organic food and healthy eating – I have a thriving allotment where I grow a huge variety of fruit and vegetables.


Tracey Kennedy (Dip Ac Cert Ed.) Acupuncturist 

In my late twenties and early thirties I was diagnosed with ME. At this point in my life I was totally bedridden with no sign of any Western medical treatment that could help.  I was put in touch with an acupuncturist and after a course of treatment I became well and have led a full and active life to the present day. This fired my interest in acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine and I became a student at the Northern College of Acupuncture in 1996.

I qualified in Traditional Chinese Medicine in 2000 and am licensed to practice Acupuncture and Acupressure Massage within the UK.  I trained for four years at the Northern College of Acupuncture in York, successfully completed a probationary year and have been in practice ever since. I had a practice in North Manchester before moving to Lancaster in 2004. I love my work as an acupuncturist and enjoy working with the people who come to my clinic.  I am always happy to answer any questions, and all the work I do is bound by strict levels of confidentiality. Traditional Chinese Medicine has the ability to treat a wide range of body, mind and spiritual issues and works as well on elders as with the very young.

My field of research has been around mental health issues and the treatment of people experiencing stress as well as deep trauma due to life experiences such as rape and child abuse.